The Teachers Corner

Meditation Is Your Life

The following are excerpts from Ganga's book, Yoga Beyond Belief, from the chapter, Meditation Is Your Life, in the sections: Can Meditation Be Practiced, and (There Is No) How to Meditate.

"Many define the goal of meditation as a silent, even empty, mind. But we must also realize that there are numerous other petals of the flowering of the mind, and of life, beyond the singular ability to have a calm or silent mind. The blossom in its fullness is made up of far more than one petal. While extraordinarily important, inner silence is still only one petal of the flowering mind. A vibrant mind, an active mind, a sharp mind, a clear mind, a penetrating mind, a questioning mind, an aware mind, an intelligent mind, an efficient mind, a mind that knows its own limits, a reality mobile mind, a flexible mind, a receptive mind, a free mind, a multidimensional mind, and of course, an open mind--these are just a few of the myriad valuable capacities of the mind."

And further in the chapter from the section: (There Is No) How to Meditate

"Meditation is more about deprogramming than programming. Meditation is not dull, mechanical, repetitive behavior chasing the magical, mystical, and spontaneous. Moving towards insight, wisdom and clarity does not result from following systems, but from awakening. This awakened perception can act in all areas of life."

Yoga Beyond Belief--Insights to Awaken and Deepen Yoga Practice is recognized as a classic in Yoga literature and has become required reading for most yoga teacher trainings worldwide. It is available from booksellers, Amazon, on our website, and on Kindle.