
The Guru Papers

Masks of Authoritarian Power

The Guru Papers--Masks of Authoritarian Power, written by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad is an important read. Published in 1993, it is meant to be read by following your interest, otherwise, one might get overwhelmed by its thesis level read. But tucked in this book are chapter after chapter that will help unfurl unexamined tendencies to give up our autonomy, and give understanding to why we humans are so vulnerable to cult mentality and authoritarianism--whether it be in the cult of the family, politics, or religion.

This is a book that is for the now and the always. We are so often unaware or unexamined in our thinking and behavior. Seeing and understanding are necessary to lead us out of behavioral traps and into greater maturity and freedom. The Guru Papers is our recommended read. Our thanks to the late Joel Kramer, and to Diana Alstad for their lifelong commitment to critical thinking.