
Vulnerability and Surrender

by Tracey Rich

As you age, you become more aware of vulnerability, and surrender becomes a part of that awareness. They go hand and hand. An ebb that becomes part of your flow. To be clear, we are not talking about a definition of surrender that entails a giving up, but instead one that adds to the navigation of your well being.

A balanced asana practice can strengthen your overall resilience. A practice that includes focus on balancing can help maintain or improve your ability to balance. Doing poses on both sides and both planes of the body can bring needed structural balance. Postures done with good alignment and awareness can build necessary strength to the many muscle groups that keep your body together. Core strengthening poses keep the spine spacious, upright, and aligned.

Pranayama can reduce stress and improve attention and clarity, all of which add an ease to the ability to surrender. Keeping your lungs strong and clear becomes more and more essential as you age. Breath is life.

Meditation can bring a clarity of consciousness. An opening of the doors of perception which allows for an appreciation and acceptance of vulnerability. It can also help increase the sensitivity and attentiveness vulnerability requires, expanding your sense of connection to your environment and your relationship to your surroundings. Meditation can be a connection to the ultimate surrender. A letting go with ease.

Cosmic Postscript: This piece was written weeks ago, inspired by a musing I had during one of many daily dog walks with our newest, nearest and dearest, Falafel, an almost four year old AmStaff mix.

Ganga is known for saying, that space is bent and time is warped. So perhaps it had already occurred somewhere in the universe that I had witnessed the less-than-graceful fall I was to take weeks later along that very same walking path that resulted in a broken wrist.

Heretofore, I will be known for saying, that when the cosmos knocks, keep both feet on the ground. And, get your newsletter articles written early while you have two hands available for the keyboard.