From the White Lotus Kitchen

Not So Sloppy Joes

There is a season for everything. So, turn, turn, turn your desire for burgers into something super satisfying, healthy, and fun this summer. The season calls for celebrating sun and outdoor gathering, and there is no reason for the veg-at-heart to want for anything at the party. We give you Not So Sloppy Joes--fabulous burger bombs exploding with flavor which can compete with anything being offered at the table. If you’re fortunate to have a farmers market in your town, now is when you will find the season’s most prolific offerings from the veggie kingdom.

Enjoy these Joes our way or come up with your own interpretation with additional ingredients or creative toppings. Serve Not So Sloppy’s with homemade Yukon Gold potato salad, air fries, or potato chips.
Have a wonderful, healthy summer, and stay cool.

1 package tempeh
I block firm tofu
1 sweet onion (Maui or Vidalia)
olive oil
2 stalks celery
2 carrots
1 red pepper (yellow, green or orange)
2 cloves garlic
1-2 jalapeños
sea salt
black pepper
1 can organic tomato sauce
Worchester sauce
Braggs liquid aminos
nutritional yeast flakes
burger buns

baby dills
shredded cheddar

Sauté sweet onion in olive oil in a large pan over medium heat until translucent. Add finely chopped celery. Grate one carrot, chop another and add to the onions and celery. Cut a red (or any color) pepper into small pieces and continue to sauté with the other vegetables. Use a healthy sprinkle of sea salt and black pepper to season. Cut one jalapeño lengthwise and strip of seeds, then chop into small pieces and add to the pan. Add a clove of finely chopped garlic and sauté a moment longer, then move veggie mix to the sides of the pan.

Add more oil to the center of the pan. Crumble the tempeh, and the tofu (which has been pressed firmly with a paper towel to get rid of excess liquid) into the warm oil. Add paprika, more salt and pepper, and let the mix dry out and get crispy, turning up the heat if necessary. When the tempeh and tofu begin to brown add Braggs and Worchester sauce. Continue to stir to keep browning. Next, add the contents of a small can of tomato sauce, a little at a time, then a bit of ketchup. Once the mix is well incorporated, slowly begin to bring in the veggies from the sides of the pan. Add more chopped jalapeño, red peppers, and another clove of garlic. Voila…Not So Sloppy Joes.

Serve over whole wheat, ciabatta, or burger buns of your choice. Top with baby dills, pepperoncini or perhaps onion rings…anything that sets your sweet summer heart afire.