
In Memoriam

Mark Lee
Guardian of the Krishnamurti Legacy

We wish to honor the passing of another wonderful human being, Mark Lee. Mark was inspired by J. Krishnamurti as a teenager and went on to serve the foundation in pivotal roles for over forty years. His engagement ranged from teacher and principal of various Krishnamurti schools to founding director of KFA's Oak Grove School, and Trustee of the organization..

Ganga first met Mark in the seventies at the Krishnamurti talks under the majestic oaks in Ojai. As a fellow traveler of the teachings, he always appreciated Mark's presence, his insight, and his commitment to a life exploring human consciousness. He felt he was a brilliant educator with a true sense of compassion. He spoke highly of Mark and his wife, Asha's leadership and contributions.

Mark's passing is a significant loss to the community as guardian of an important legacy.