
Couch Yoga

with Ganga

Couches have been in the news these days. Years ago I developed some poses to be done on a couch, not so much to practice there but because couches can be handy yoga props. The couch I have at home has very padded, wide arms so it serves as the perfect prop.  Depending on how high or thick the arms of your couch are, you may want to fold a blanket over the arm to support your back and avoid too deep of a backbend. These movements should be comfortable passive stretches that are easy to hold.

Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you lengthwise along the couch, and your hips against the base of the arm. Then slowly bend back over the arm. Use the arm to support different points along your spine successively. The addition of a folded blanket can create different arch diameters and work to release several areas along your spine. Your arms can rest passively by your side, or be crossed over your chest, or even extend back over your head. You can also practice with your legs crossed or in lotus position.

The couch is a perfect prop for getting a great, supported upper-back and chest opening. It's a wonderful mid-back bend as well. This position also gives a good stretch to the psoas, which can be difficult to reach. Keeping your psoas long can prevent and relieve low back pain. Hold the pose for as long as you feel benefit.

So don't just be a couch potato, become a couch yogi!