
Chakra Meditation

by Ganga White

from his forthcoming book

The chakras are not a ladder you climb up or awaken step by step, rather we find it possible to give attention to all these levels at once or in any combination. 

Meditate on the earth
On which we live
Who is home and mother
Ground and root of our being
The foundation of manifestation of our energy

Meditate on waters
Flowing with rains, rivers, oceans, lakes
The formless and shaped by structure
Water, form filling and formless

Express gratitude for fire which powers our lives
Digests our food
Is the doorway from form to formless
The sexual fire of birth
The cremation fire of death and ending
Fire, both moving and still
Tangible and intangible. 

Meditate on air and wind
Bringing cloud, rain and pollen
Hosting the flight of birds, bees and all things
Wind fills and empties our lungs
Bringing spirit in and out 
Inspiration and expiration
Expansion and contraction

Meditate on Sound
The vibrations of communication  
And connection among beings

The carrier wave of information
Meditate on light
Energy waves condensing into matter
Holder and transmitter 
Of immense information and perception
Insight, observation, seeing
Container and essence 
of all that is

Meditate on cosmic intelligence
On stars and galaxies, 
Waves of light and impulse
Measurable, Immeasurable
Finite and infinite
Universes and multiverses
Eternity and alternity

Meditate on silence
Wherein all of these levels reside
Silence unknowable, unnamable, and indescribable
Silence that is being and source of being. 

Note: The Sanskrit word chakra (chuhk-ruh) translates to the English word wheel. As some Sanskrit makes its way into our lexicon, the word is often mispronounced. In the language of Sanskrit, the letter h following a consonant denotes a hard sound to the proceeding letter. The first syllable of this word sounds close to the name Chuck, followed by a softer sounding syllable similar to the word rah. At the least, when speaking this word, think of the ch sound of pronouncing chocolate, and not the sh sound used in the word, shawl.