
The Bare Necessities

The Simple Bare Necessities of Life

We often overlook that which is simple. And yet, the things that are accessible to us and within our grasp, often elude us. As we all embark on another year, it's good to remember the simple bare necessities of life.

Join us in setting off into a new year by welcoming in the simple but profound and meaningful measures that will set us up for well being. Here's our list. Feel free to expand on it and make it your own.

  • Sleep: Get some, get some more, get a lot. Sleep is the great reset and healer.
  • Eat: As well as possible. Consciously. Intentionally.
  • Play: Yoga, walk, swim, dance. Anything physical that brings joy and energy.
  • Laugh: Take every opportunity to find the humor in life.
  • Unplug: Often. Enjoy news fasts and devise fasts. Sit and be still.
  • Nature: Help yourself to a heaping helping of nature anywhere and everywhere you find it.
  • Connect: In person with humans, friends, family, and strangers. And look people in the eyes.
  • Learn: Something new. A great brain, heart and soul rejuvenator.

Happy New Year. Om Shanti.