The Three H'sCuriously perusing past newsletters dating back over the last eight years, we found two topics that occurred often. They centered around these two things: humanity and hate. We would like to introduce a new topic to the H list. Hope. Hope that we find our humanity. Hope that we are curiously and consciously self-aware. Hope that we recognize... Asana with Ganga and TraceyCouch Yogawith GangaCouches have been in the news these days. Years ago I developed some poses to be done on a couch, not so much to practice there but because couches can be handy yoga props. The couch I have at home has very padded, wide arms so it serves as the perfect prop. Depending on how high or thick the arms of your couch are, you may want to fold a blanket over the arm to support your back and avoid too deep of a backbend. These movements should be comfortable passive stretches that are easy to hold. Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you lengthwise along the couch, and your hips against the base of the arm. Then slowly... Will That Old Dog Still Huntwith TraceyYears ago, when I wrote about the down dog position, I called it the poster child of an asana practice. It was the centerpiece of every flow sequence. Used, and sometimes abused by overuse, down dog is still a pose worthy of much appreciation. So I say, that old dog still hunts. Adho mukha svanasana, downward-facing dog, is still a mainstay of my daily life. I love this posture and practice it almost every day whether I am doing a full practice, or no practice at all. This asana can bring everything into focus and balance. Accessing the long muscles of the body, down dog serves as both a daily check-in and check-up for me. The pose works on so many areas of the body simultaneously. The downward-facing dog builds... The Teachers CornerJnana Yoga - The Yoga of InquiryIn this Teachers Corner, we offer a look into Jnana Yoga, from Ganga's Yoga Beyond Belief, chapter two, The Many Yogas. The section entitled: Jnana Yoga gives the opportunity to more clearly investigate the yoga of wisdom and inquiry. One of the big four, Jnana Yoga, and Ganga's particular understanding and teaching of it, greatly inspires our White Lotus Yoga. "Jnana yoga is the yoga of wisdom, based on the study of... A Sincere Apology Is Worth Its Weight in Goldby TraceyHealing can happen. When a sincere apology is made, it can change someone's life in a moment. Some people wait a lifetime to receive a true apology, others, to give one. Both sides of the equation require a bearing of the heart, honesty, and self-reflection. An apology is often one of the most difficult things for a person to manage. It is humbling. It can require courage and does require self-examination. Words can... Recommended ReadingThe Guru Papers - Masks of Authoritarian PowerThe Guru Papers--Masks of Authoritarian Power, written by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad is an important read. Published in 1993, it is meant to be read by following your interest, otherwise, one might get overwhelmed by its thesis level read. But tucked in this book are chapter after chapter that will help unfurl unexamined tendencies to give up our autonomy, and give understanding to why we humans are so vulnerable to... From the White Lotus Kitchen