Yoga Teacher Training Certification

tracey and ganga


Our complete Yoga teacher training is a non-dogmatic, open-minded synthesis of classical and contemporary techniques combined with the many insights and innovations developed over five plus decades at White Lotus.  The curriculum includes how Yoga works, the origins of Yoga, precise alignment and application, an exploration of the essential forms of asana practice, modern evolutionary developments, and classical Yoga. There is instruction in White Lotus Vinyasa Flow Yoga--a powerful and dynamic system that combines asana, pranayama and meditation. Modern scientific discovery is compared to ancient teachings. Daily asana and pranayama classes with comprehensive analysis and methods of teaching are presented. Experience a quantum leap in your Yoga practice and understanding. You will also learn how to instruct and set up classes, the purpose of each asana and hands-on corrections.

The course is presented by the renowned yoga instructors - Ganga White and Tracey Rich - who are both holders of the Yoga Acharya degree and founders of White Lotus®, established in 1967, where hundreds of teachers have received certification, opening centers and classes throughout the world. An advanced training is offered for graduates of this program.

certificateCertificate Eligibility and Certification

Anyone sincerely interested in Yoga is most welcome to enroll in the course in order to expand their own practice and knowledge with or without the desire for certification. The White Lotus Yoga Foundation recognizes its responsibility for maintaining its excellent reputation for high standards. Teaching certification is awarded on the basis of successful comprehension and mastery of the principles and practice of Yoga and the ability to communicate them to others. Those diligently applying themselves should find no difficulty in achieving success. Any person not eligible upon completion of the course is given opportunities to fulfill the requirements with practice and study—usually at home. All who complete the course will be given a certificate after completion of a practice teaching assignment at home.

Yoga Alliance:
White Lotus® teacher training meets all the requirements and is approved 
by the Yoga Alliance for the 
RYT 200 certificate and the RYT 300 certificate.

*Read what our graduates have to say: Yoga Alliance Reviews

The Purpose of the Course
The world today is in the midst of monumental, accelerated change. There are jewels from the past that may help us but we need an approach that is fully suited to the present. White Lotus® is known for its contemporary, practical and, most importantly, its non-dogmatic approach. We continually aim at discovering and distilling essential truths and principles from the mire of superstition and ideology.

Yoga teacher training

Yoga can be far more than a highly effective series of esoteric physical exercises. It is an ancient and evolving science and art of living. It is a science in that it involves specific techniques and practices. It is an art because it must always be applied creatively and sensitively in response to the subtleties of the moment. The art of Yoga includes all of life and asserts the importance of bringing about a deeper understanding of oneself—body, mind and spirit. Yoga aims to move one out of dull, mechanical existence into an exciting adventure of living and learning. White Lotus® is unique in that we are committed to presenting Yoga holistically in a spirit of free inquiry and openness. When presented in this form Yoga can assist you in expanding your potential in all areas of life.

To meet the challenges facing humanity and to discover the sacredness in life we must have an evolutionary awareness that is open to feedback and growth. Times of accelerated change demand a mind that is not romantically involved with, nor idealizing the past. What is needed is genuine transformation—the ability to see clearly, to have an alert mind, to awaken love, compassion and intelligence. Yoga is dedicated to this awakening. Whether you choose to teach others or share it by being who you are, Yoga is needed now more than ever!

Who Should Take Advantage of this Training Opportunity?
Any sincere student of Yoga who wants to study in-depth and intensively in a short time period may participate. The staff and students of the White Lotus Foundation find Yoga to be an invaluable treasure in our lives. We feel this art and science will benefit anyone and should be available to all. We would like to share our knowledge and expertise with you and impart the understanding and technique to instruct others.

To be a professional Yoga instructor thorough training is a necessity. Our course is eclectic and non-dogmatic, based on years of personal experience as well as study with recognized great teachers. We are not oriented toward recruiting you as disciples but inspiring you to become disciples of life—learning all the time. Join with us on this exciting journey.

Participants In Their Own Words

Read what our graduates have to say: Yoga Alliance Reviews


Tax Deductibility: Your Tuition may be tax-deductible.  Click Here For More Information

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See also: "White Lotus Yoga"
an article on the 16 day residential yoga training course
by Anne Cushman of Yoga Journal