
The Wild Lilacs Are Back

a poem by Tracey Rich

the wild lilacs are back
and the pittosporum
and the daylight,
reaching its long fingers tentatively toward the horizon
where the sun slips over the edge of the earth

my walks are telling me
this is our time of year
the time when things are reborn
heartache and forgiveness
and the color spring green

you and Mom always had the fall
that was your time
to stop and remember and relive

this will be our time
the time of dark sleep and the accident and letting go

I have tried to stop counting dates
and instead tried to listen for the things you want to tell me

I know this is the heart turning, trying to forget itself
and get lost in the returning leaves

a heart faced with the truth
like the light reaching for the horizon
a heart trying to find its contentment
waiting to be filled with awe

© Tracey Rich 2009