
Spring: A Good Time to Detox

by Tracey Rich

Let your lungs get a breath of fresh air.
Getting outdoors in a beautiful natural environment will go a long way to clearing out your lungs, and help your heart and your mind in the process. A walk in the woods refocuses your eyes ability to take in subtleties; it clears out the cobwebs of your mind creating space for inspiration. It is interesting that the word to breathe is also the word, inspiration; the act of drawing in, especially drawing air into the lungs. While on your walk find a place to settle in and try the following breath sequence. We hope you enjoy your Spring cleaning.

 3-6 Rounds of Siva Pranayama or Kumbhaka

  • Simply inhale using a natural or ujjayi breath until your lungs are comfortably full.
  • Hold your breath in as long as you feel at ease.
  • Then exhale until your lungs are empty, feeling your abdominal muscles contract Repeat for several rounds. 

These pranayamas are not only cleansing and strengthening but calming and meditative, as well.

 3-6 rounds of Alternate Nostril Breathing (Analoma Viloma)

  • Using your right hand, slide your little finger under your ring finger and align the tips of those fingers, making them level. Fold your middle two fingers into your palm.
  • Pressing the thumb of your right hand into the curve of your right nostril, lightly push inward and up toward the bone of the nose.
  • Inhale through your left nostril using a natural breath or ujjayi breath until your lungs are comfortably full.
  • Close off the left nostril with the combined digits of your pinkie and ring finger, while still keeping the right nostril closed with your thumb.
  • Hold your breath in as long as you feel comfortable, clear and present.
  • Exhale through the right nostril until your lungs are empty.
  • Now inhale through the right nostril until your lungs are comfortably full and hold both nostrils closed.
  • Hold your breath in no longer than you are at ease.
  • Exhale out of the left side of your nose, emptying the lungs completely.
  • This completes one round of alternate nostril breathing.  Now, repeat the entire round several times. 

Analoma Viloma is a pranayama that has centering and balancing qualities.

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